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Installing Architectural Claddings To Strengthen Your Home Construction

Architectural claddings are permanent fixtures constructed on the exterior of a building. They provide protection against the elements of nature and improve the structure of the building as well. This is why they are primarily installed with the purpose of improving the architectural structure. These claddings make even the simplest of homes look very graceful. The claddings have become more common these days, as the architects have been experimenting with this material for the past couple of decades, particularly in skyscrapers. Let’s know more about them.

Advantages of Architectural Claddings

There are several advantages of installing architectural claddings on your building. Some of them are:

Choosing the Right Architectural Claddings


There are various types of architectural claddings that improve the structure of the building based on the material used. The most common materials used for making claddings are stone, wood, PVC, tile, glass, aluminium, aluminium composite, ceramic and porcelain. Wooden claddings may range from cedar and plywood to pine. Metal ones may be anything from aluminium to galvanised steel. Extruded aluminium is often used for roofs, facades, column covers and canopies, as it is extremely stable and resilient. These features make the cladding extremely safe against elements. Vinyl cladding is easy to fit, and requires only an occasional power wash to maintain. When it needs replacement, it is easy to cut and install too. Concrete cladding is expensive, but it is much sturdier and requires low maintenance. Appropriately chosen cladding can drastically change the look of your building, and make it look modern and appealing. Granite claddings are available in a variety of finishes and colours, ranging from rough to polished. Brick claddings are also available in white stone or rustic style finish, and you may choose them from a wide range of colours and textures.


Architectural claddings are very efficient when it comes to weatherproofing. The material provides the building with a sturdy structural support with an exterior elegance. It is very important in metropolitan cities and areas that are very prone to pollution. The claddings act as a pollution resistant which also provides thermal insulation to the interior of the building. When done by professionals, claddings can be installed within short time duration. Claddings are extremely durable and there is no concern of having to replace it after a short time frame. They can last for years, and maybe even decades, provided that the right material has been chosen.

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